QRZ! Ham Radio 3
QRZ Ham Radio Callsign Database - Volume 3.iso
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Text File
77 lines
The files:
DX_Map1.1.hqx The DX Map stack in BinHex format
DX_Map1.0_XFCNs.bin A self-extracting archive of Pascal source code
for 3 XFCNs used in the DX Map stack
in binary (MacBinary) format
DX_Map1.0_XFCNs.hqx Same in BinHex format
DX Map 1.0 by Len Saaf, NV2Z
Copyright 1990, Raleigh Associates
The stack is freeware. It may be distributed in part or in whole
provided that it is distributed for free.
The stack requires Hypercard 2.0. If you don't have 2.0, drop me a
line and I'll see what I can do.
DX Map features:
* Your QTH is marked on the map and your local time appears above it
* UTC is displayed at the bottom of the map
* A DXCC country can by selected by either choosing the country
name from a list or by entering a callsign or prefix. The DXCC country
is marked on the map and the following information is listed:
* Country name
* Continent
* CQ zone(s)
* ITU zone(s)
* Distance from your QTH in miles and kilometers
* Bearing in degrees from your QTH
* Callsign allocation
* The local time in the DXCC country is displayed above its
location on the map
* Your location and a remote location are fully configurable
I wrote 3 XFCNs for this stack:
* "CallToNum" takes a callsign and returns the number of DXCC
countries that could have that callsign followed by ID numbers for
each of those DXCC countries.
* "NumToInfo" takes one of those ID numbers and retrns a bunch of
info for that DXCC country. The info is from a list I got off
* "coords" takes 2 lattitude/longitude pairs and returns the
distance between them and the bearing from the first to the second.
The source code to these 3 XFCNs is free for the asking. They are
written in Pascal.
All bug reports, comments and/or suggestions are welcome.
My addresses are:
Len Saaf
52 Raleigh St.
Rochester, NY 14620
Internet: saaf@joker.optics.rochester.edu
New features in 1.1:
Grayline is drawn dynamically showing the portions of the globe having
day and night.
Balloon Help
Generally better.